European Digestive Cancer Days 2017
The international conference European Digestive Cancer Days 2017 (EDCD) is picking up the threads of the annual European Colorectal Cancer Days (ECCD) conference and extending its focus. As one of its objectives, the ECCD conference was promoting standardised colorectal cancer screening according to international best practices, which was particularly important for the Czech Republic: the Czech National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme – in its originally implemented form – did not include personal invitations. Among others, the ECCD conference has significantly contributed to the introduction of population-based cancer screening programmes in the Czech Republic, involving the invitation of eligible individuals, in 2014. The new EDCD conference extends its focus on all gastrointestinal cancers and related cancer control activities, such as prevention, early detection, treatment and long-term care.
The EDCD conference aims to cover not only the discussion of state-of-art scientific issues, but also policy makers’ and patients’ viewpoints to facilitate the implementation of high-priority cancer control activities. In particular, the following questions will be addressed, among others:
Are there any cancer control strategies available to alleviate the growing burden of pancreatic cancer?
What are the priorities of gastrointestinal cancer control, apart from colorectal and pancreatic cancer?
What is the current state of implementation of colorectal cancer screening programmes in Europe?
How to start a colorectal cancer screening programme, monitor it and evaluate it?
How to increase participation in a colorectal cancer screening programme, facilitate informed decision-making, and reduce inequalities in test coverage?
The EDCD conference is co-organised by:
Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic,
United European Gastroenterology,
Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses,
Pavel Poc, Member of the European Parliament